Warming up your writing skills

If you’re an athlete, or someone who goes to the gym, you might notice that when you stop for awhile and start again that first time back you feel a bit rusty.  Or if you are a musician and you skip practicing for a couple of weeks, that first time you sit down to the piano, your playing might be kind of stiff.  Sound familiar?  The same thing happens with writing. If you’ve spent...

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Fall is almost here! Time to organize the college application process!

So first, I’ve been away from this website for quite a while, finishing my own academic journey.  This year I passed my comprehensive exams and am officially ABD — which means I’ll have a PhD next year in Literature and Creative Writing!  All of the tips I’ve given students over the years about studying and time management have served me well these past three years and...

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Tips for High School Students

Organization and time management… You’ve heard these words a lot. But what do they mean? Here are some tips to help you stay organized and reduce your stress. Organize! After a day at school, you might be in the habit of throwing your books on the floor, grabbing a snack and going outside.  Not a bad idea.  You do need a break!  But if you take just a few minutes to go over the...

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